Collection System
Civil planning and design services to improve hydraulic capacity and address backups and sewage issues within the Kalanianaole Highway Trunk Sewer System.
Civil planning and design services to evaluate 6- to 18-inch sewer lines in the Palolo area to satisfy the requirements of the EPA Global Consent Decree program by reducing sanitary sewer overflow potential.
State of Hawaii, Agribusiness Development Corporation
Civil planning, environmental permitting, and design services for a new wastewater reclaimed water irrigation system to deliver recycled water from the Wahiawa Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) and raw water from Wahiawa Reservoir to existing and proposed reservoirs at Galbraith Farmland.
Hawaii American Water
Civil planning, design, and construction administration services for small and large diameter sewer rehabilitation projects in Hawaii Kai.
City and County of Honolulu, Department of Design and Construction
Civil planning and design services to correct hydraulic and structural deficiencies of approximately 42,000 LF of sewer line. The client recognizes one outstanding consultant each year with a Certificate of Appreciation. TLCG earned this distinguished achievement for work on this project.
State of Hawaii, Hawaii Public Housing Authority
Civil planning and design services for sewer improvements and electrical upgrades to the Kapaa Housing Project. Use of lateral lining provided a cost-effective way to rehabilitate the existing sewer laterals with minor sewer service disruption to HPHA residents.
Hawaii American Water
Civil planning, design, and construction administration services for a 12-inch force main wastewater transmission pipeline replacement along Kalanianaole Highway. Due to the short construction schedule, logistics, unforeseen conditions, and budgetary restrictions, TLCG used a CM-at-Risk approach to complete the project to the client’s satisfaction. Design was completed to 90% completion and put out to bid with the expectation that all unresolved issues would be addressed efficiently and expeditiously in the field with the contractor.
State of Hawaii, Department of Accounting and General Services
Civil planning services to perform compliance audit of wastewater systems that service 52 libraries statewide and provide upgrade recommendations required to comply with the EPA Consent Agreement and Final Order and the Safe Drinking Water Act.
City and County of Honolulu, Department of Design and Construction
Civil planning and design services for a re-circulating wastewater filtration system to reduce water consumption and sewer usage at the Honolulu Zoo Hippo Exhibit. Reducing the Hippo Exhibit’s sewer usage will yield financial savings in the form of reduced costs associated with downstream pumping and treatment of the hippo pool wastewater by the City and County of Honolulu. “This is the first system like this on the island. It is a very, very complex system…..We are very happy to have [this project] finally completed and I think it’s going to add to the visitor experience here.” ~ Honolulu Zoo Administrator, Blair Fleming, November 2016
City and County of Honolulu, Department of Design and Construction
Civil planning and design modifications to the Wahiawa WWTP to ensure compliance with the EPA Global Consent Decree program to minimize sanitary sewer overflows. TLCG utilized an innovative approach to inform, consult, and coordinate the various elements of the project with multiple State and County agencies and departments. A unified presentation/forum was used to encourage open discussion of the project elements and expose any concerns or preferences to expedite results.
State of Hawaii, Hawaii Public Housing Authority
Civil planning, design, and construction management services for the evaluation and replacement of an existing on-site wastewater treatment plant that services approximately 40 housing units. The project was a federal stimulus project which required a short design schedule. Frequent meetings and communication with owners and government agencies allowed the design to be completely on schedule.
County of Kauai, Department of Public Works – Wastewater Management Division
Civil planning and design services for the renovation of the Wailua Sewage Pump Station No. 1. Live wet well investigation was performed to verify existing site conditions and incoming flow. Design of the upgrades centered around retrofitting the pump station with submersible pumps by adding a new wet well access shaft and bringing discharge piping above-ground.
Hawaii American Water
Civil planning, design, and construction administration services for a pump station upgrade to PS2 in Hawaii Kai to improve reliability and performance of the facility. The project included modifications to the wet well access shaft and a “ying yang” submersible pump configuration to increase the station’s pumping capacity.
Hawaii American Water
Civil design and construction administration services for an upgrade assessment of the existing PS5 and PS7 in Hawaii Kai. The upgrades brought all of the piping and valves above-ground, making the facility easier to access and safer for the operators to maintain.
Hawaii American Water
Civil design and construction administration services for a new disc filtration system at the Mauna Lani WWTP with a capacity of 500,000 gallons per day.
Civil design services for water system improvements to replace aging water mains, reduce water main breaks, and improve overall system reliability in Niu Valley.
Civil design and environmental permitting services for the drilling, casing, and testing of exploratory wells at the Kunia Wells IV and Manoa Wells II sites.
Civil design services for the installation of 8-inch water mains and appurtenances along several streets in Manoa.
Civil design services for a replacement water distribution system consisting of 4- to 8-inch diameter water lines to service a residential area in Kuliouou, Oahu.
Civil design services for a replacement water distribution system consisting of 4- to 8-inch diameter water lines to service a residential area in Kaneohe, Oahu.
Master planning and civil design services for an upgrade to the water system at the Honolulu Zoo. Due to the lack of a compiled database of the zoo’s water system, various methods were utilized to locate and assess the individual systems and their connectivity, including 3D laser scanning, fire hydrant testing, geophysical utility scanning, and potholing.
Technical engineering services to assist with the implementation of the State’s Storm Water Management Program Plan (SWMPP) to reduce pollutants and improve stormwater quality. Construction and Stormwater Quality Source/Treatment Control BMPs were selected and designed based on their effectiveness to capture pollutants amidst challenging site conditions (e.g., limited right-of-way, steep embankment areas) while minimizing impacts to area residents and traffic.
Civil planning and permitting services to assist various Department of Design and Construction divisions in complying with the Department of Health, Clean Water Branch Administrative Order on Consent (AOC) for NPDES construction dewatering and stormwater program requirements.
Structural BMP engineering design services for the Kaneohe and Kahuku Police Stations to minimize and improve the quality of storm runoff with permanent BMPs.
Civil planning, design, and construction management services for improvements to the storm drainage system for the Kapuaiwa Building to alleviate future flooding.
Civil engineering and environmental permitting services for the design of Permanent BMPs at various locations on Oahu, including obtaining all necessary environmental permits and clearances.
Civil engineering and environmental planning services to make various MS4 Program improvements at the DOT Kahului Baseyard.
Environmental permitting services to develop and provide a Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP) as part of the Division of Boating and Ocean Recreation (DOBOR) Oahu District’s NPDES permit.
Stormwater inspection services as required under the for the City’s MS4 Stormwater NPDES Permit.
New Buildings/Facilities
Civil engineering services to evaluate the existing structure and infrastructure conditions of an aging administration building and provide design services for site improvements and the construction of a new office building. The Planning Report integrated the needs of multiple DLNR division offices into a design that satisfies individual functionality, space, and personnel requirements.
Civil planning, environmental permitting, and design services for the development of 60 acres of Hawaiian Home Lands in Waimanalo into subsistence agricultural lots for native Hawaiian beneficiaries.
Civil planning and design services to upgrade the camping experience at Malaekahana SRA, Kahuku Section, including new cabins, comfort stations, satellite restrooms, pot washing stations, campgrounds, parking lots, and utilities.
Civil design services for the expansion and renovation of the existing Worship Area and development of a new Parish Center to accommodate more members and programs.
Civil design and construction management services for the construction of a new office and maintenance building at the Waimanalo Baseyard.
Civil design and ESCP coordinator services for the construction of a new 3,800-square foot one-story STEM building on the Waimanalo Elementary and Intermediate School campus.
Civil planning, design, and ESCP coordinator services for the construction of a new Administration and Library building at Helemano Elementary School.
Civil planning, design, and ESCP coordinator services for the renovation of an existing locker room to include a girls’ athletic locker room and construction of three new structures – a concession stand, bathrooms, and athletic facility building.
Civil planning, design, and ESCP coordinator services for the construction of a new girls’ athletic locker room building and ADA ramp at Waipahu High School.
Renovated Buildings/Facilities
Civil design services to remove accessibility barriers at Waialua and Palolo Valley District Parks to comply with the 2010 Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG) standards.
Civil planning, design, and ESCP coordinator services for the expansion and connection of Buildings SP and T at Waianae High School for the functions of Searider Productions. Construction phasing was critical to keep surrounding school facilities and roadways open and usable throughout the duration of the project. Improvements in interior building areas were phased separately from exterior areas to keep renovated facilities open as long as possible.
Civil planning, design, and ESCP coordinator services for the expansion and renovation of the existing cafeteria and development of a new shade structure at Kanoelani Elementary.
Environmental planning and civil design services for the expansion and renovation of the existing church and administrative buildings into a new multi-purpose building and development of a new nave and meeting room facility.
Civil design and remediation services for the construction of designated commercial parking lots on contaminated sites in the Kakaako Makai district. A Special Management Area Permit Major was filed and approved; and subsequently, TLCG assisted the client in rebutting the contested case hearing that was requested.
Civil design services for construction of improvements to replace the existing Waimano Ridge entry gate, fencing, and guard shack with an automated gate with card accessibility. The guard shack provided security to numerous buildings and facilities 24 hours a day; therefore, it was imperative that the demolition and construction be phased to avoid interruptions in service.
Civil design services for sidewalk widening along South King Street and Alapai Street and construction of a pedestrian island along an existing mid-block crosswalk along Saratoga Road.
Civil design services for a roadway extension project to transform two adjacent 3-way intersections into a single 4-way intersection. The intent of this project was to successfully address traffic congestion that occurred in the area at peak traffic times. By extending the existing street, vehicles can more easily navigate through the intersection which has improved overall safety and traffic volume.
Civil design services for a full-width (curb to curb) street rehabilitation project in Kailua, Oahu. During the design phase, the City’s standard details for concrete bus pads changed based on input from the Cement and Concrete Products Industry of Hawaiʻi (CCPI). This allowed TLCG to learn about new techniques in concrete placement.
Civil design services for the reconstruction of Queen Street near the intersection of Queen Street and Punchbowl Street to address ponding along the curb and gutter which affected vehicular traffic and bus loading adjacent to the site. The concrete bus pad design was updated during the design phase based on discussions with individuals in the concrete industry. The information gained regarding concrete, mixes, jointing, edge design, and reinforcement can also be applied to concrete roadways and driveways.
Civil design services for the construction of a new roadway in Kapolei. This privately-owned road was dedicated to the City and County of Honolulu.
Civil planning, design, and public relations services for traffic calming programs at various locations throughout Oahu to improve vehicular and pedestrian traffic conditions. A custom public education and awareness campaign was developed for a controversial construction project. To mitigate public concerns, an animated instructional DVD was created specifically for and distributed to area residents who would be affected by the proposed project. This product satisfied the initial concerns of the residents and construction of the project resumed.